contact Aranka, Call or Text 509-230-5453 or email.
Distant - Quantum Reiki Energy Healing Sessions (for People anywhere on Earth)
Distant - Animal Quantum Reiki (for Animals located anywhere on Earth)
Hi there:
We are offering Distant Quantum Reiki Energy Healing Sessions only for people and animals. At this time all in person sessions are not offered, sorry.
Payments: We accept Paypal and Venmo (no service fee using your Debit Card); payments must clear our Bank before your appt. is confirmed.
By making an Appointment with Reiki Golden Healing with payment processed, you agree to our Business Terms and Conditions (details on page bottom). paid Services are non refundable.
Donations are most appreciated. Thank you from the heart!
Clients please Avoid Food (3) hrs before your appt.
for New Clients and includes
(2.5 hr) appt
MON-FRI, $250 (prepaid upon appt. confirmation)
Quantum Reiki is an advanced comprehensive energy healing method. this session includes an in-depth Consultation with Aranka's Higher telepathic Insights from our Souls, about your Human life, your Higher purpose, and anything your Soul, Mind, Emotions, Body need to share and let go of on all levels of Consciousness to help you detox and be deeply enlightened and rejuvenated.
deep Q/Reiki Energy Healing treatment with guided Quantum Meditation:
Quantum Reiki can help your whole Being (all 7 etheric and physical parts) to be deeply enlightened
to help you connect to to your Soul, S
ource, New Earth, Crystal... to be deeply detoxed energized and enlightened
the Recipient will be tucked in a real comfy BED in the office, fully clothed and covered
soft meditation music playing in background..
to help you open and activate your Pineal Gland, Intuition, 3rd eye ctr.
the Q/Reiki energy treatment is done Hands off and away from the client's body about 5 feet
you can evolve your mind's Consciousness and awaken to Higher levels of your true beautiful Self
help release false limited 3d Earth and Human beliefs...
learn what is your Soul's Higher purpose for your lifetime
Higher Insights are shared afterwords,
all sessions are Confidential & Private
plus Information On:
the Quantum Reiki method and Qauntum Meditation,
Astrology Elements
Evolved Souls, Cosmic Souls, incarnation, Metaphysics,
Crystals, natural healing, healthy Foods
for New Clients
MON-FRI $380 (prepaid)
(4 hrs) (done in 2 consecutive days)
this is the most in-depth life changing, Soul connection & healing Self session
best to do this appt. back to back (ie Mon-Tues, Tues-Wed, etc)
all Sessions are Confidential and Private
DAY 1 includes
for (2 hrs.)
a private Consultation, in-depth life review to truly understand who you are, your body's health needs/ stress, etc.
Aranka's telepathic Higher Soul insights about you
spiritual information about your Soul, its past and present Incarnations,
your present lifetime Earth's purpose,
your human energy Vibration (in relation to the cosmic levels) & your chakras energy levels,
info. on Homeopathy natural foods & healing ways,
Crystals information
the Quantum Reiki method:
the modern 12 Major energy Chakras Syst., the 7 Key parts that make up the Human being,
various key handouts on Q/Reiki, major Chakras, Quantum Meditation, protection Mantras, Astrology etc.
metaphysical Cosmic insights for you
helpful resources, other Holistic and natural healing methods
lovely herbal Tea served
DAY 2 includes
for (2 hrs)
a magnificent guided Q/Reiki Meditation
a Q/Reiki deep Energy Healing treatment for Client's whole Body* - (all parts etheric and physical)
Q/Reiki treatment is done hands free by Aranka, standing, about 3-6 feet away from the Client's body, not touching the client.
Client will be fully clothed, lying down & covered in a comfy bed (to enjoy a very comfortable and restful, deep energy healing experience with soft meditation music in the background...
Higher Findings from our Souls are shared after
lovely homemade tea served
for Existing Clients (in-person)
up to 1.5 hrs
MON - FRI. , $150
please avoid food 3 hrs before your appt.
Aranka will share Higher telepathic Soul insights about you,
the guided comprehensive Q/Reiki Meditation we created
a comprehensive full Q/Reiki energy healing treatment for your whole Being* (all *7 Key parts)
Higher Soul Insights shared after
all Sessions are Confidential and Private
Herbal teas lovingly served
session payments are non refundable
(Clients can be located Anywhere on Earth)
please contact Aranka first to make an appt, then you may prepay, afterwords we shall email you the appt. instructions..
Best time for this session is at bedtime when the mind can go to asleep.
Appt. Includes:
Mon-Fri: $198
takes Aranka about 1.75 hrs in full
(latest appt is 9pm your local time)
emailed forms: the deep Quantum Meditation form and other relevant info. please review and practice saying the Quantum meditation as this is key to start your Quantum Energy healing session, Higher Light connections for your whole Being
a deep comprehensive full Quantum Reiki energy healing for your whole being (all 7 parts) done distantly by Aranka
Aranka will email your session's Higher Insights within a few days
paid sessions can be used up to 3 months from date of purchase,
not transferable
all Sessions are Confidential
must clear before your session can be authorized and confirmed.
we accept Paypal* ( sm. admin fee included) or Venmo (for Debit Cards it is a free service) link on header
please prepay via Venmo or Paypal soon as payment needs to clear our bank acct. before your appt. is confirmed.
after payment is cleared your session details and forms will be emailed to you
pls fill the Distant Client Intake form , then email it and a recent photo of yourself (fully clothed of course) back to us soon; no later then day before your appt date.
thank you
the next morning after your Distant Q/Reiki Session, you may feel a bit loopy or Lighter, vibrating on a higher freq.,
You may have lots of energy or
you may get some emotional (stomach, or head) discomfort due to body's detoxing, releasing, letting go of toxic heavy stress emotions or energies, memories, beliefs, experiences etc,
typ this is temporary bodily expressions. and as the body comes into a balance within a few hrs. or less you feel much Lighter...
Please drink plenty of pure filtered WATER (or teas ) after your appt. for about 7 days min., about 8 glasses per day .
Also you can drink herbal teas no caffeine or a glass of filtered water with lemon or 1 Tbl spoon Apple cider vinegar in it...(if you are senstive to any of this pls avoid). just drink filtered warm water for min. 7 days
.Every Client's Body Mind Energy system and Soul has different needs so each session is unique.
For Best Energy Healing Benefits
(3 ) Days Before Your Appointment, Please AVOID:
all Sugar in foods,
red (even white) meat, heavy or fried foods,
processed, GMO Foods, avoid all pesticides (sprayed on crops and used in grain fed to animals) ,
altered, un-natural foods
corn syrup (added in many foods)
all Soft drinks,
microwaves (pls replace it with a convection or toaster oven)
many farmers still use Monsanto pesticides,and Herbacides that are known to cause severe health issues.
THC (pot, marijuana, cannabis) unless you are taking it for a medical condition and under a physicians care then let us know when you want to make an appt.
please Drink plenty of Filtered fresh Water,
enjoy ORGANIC Food, vegetarian when possible
organic fresh Plant based foods and nuts seeds healthy oils,
Try to grow your own VEGE's, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, radishes, basil, parsley (in pots too),..you will feel better.
Thank you. your Body will love you
opened their 3rd eye
feeling gentle tingling (energy) anywhere in the body,
feeling energy vibrations during session
pain gone ; energized, healing took place where needed
some brain or mind loopiness but thats normal when a 3Dim physical body receives Higher dimensional energy, this feeling is temporary
a feeling of Radiant love & well being, peacefulness,
feeling Lighter, happy,
re-energized, balanced,
feeling deeply filled with Love,
feeling One with Universal Source of all creation, pure LOVE, Light
feeling of being "Home" with Source,
connected to their Soul/, Light energy
feeling a Higher awareness,
have lucid dreams,
have past life awareness, visions
wonderful Higher Awakening
connection to other Souls in the cosmos,
contact with energy of family, friends, pets, (can be living or past on)
received health benefits all over the body
Quantum Reiki BENEFITS are endless and depend on the Recipient's openness to energy healing and believing in it.
Applies to all our business SERVICES & CLASSES.
we accept Credit and Debit Cards paid via Paypal and Venmo, small admin fee is added.
all payments are final and non refundable unless you cancel within 3 days before your appt.
for Appt. CHANGES : please contact us 4-5 days before or (24 hrs) min. prior to your appt.
All Reiki Golden Healing sessions are Private and Confidential.
Note: anti depressant drugs can have a very strong affect in the body, esp. brain cells and body's emotional centers in brain and may affect the Energy healing performance.. The brain is the control center of the body's Cells .Cells need to be free naturally to Self heal and perform as they were naturally created by a Higher Source Light.
if you make an appt. with us you are agreeing to our Business Terms
We take our work seriously and hope you do too.
We have the right to refuse service or classes to anyone at any time. thank you .
I Aranka Fisher am a trained Holistic Reiki Master Teacher and Energy Practitioner, owner of Reiki Golden Healing..
I Aranka Fisher am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I do not diagnose, heal, cure, prevent or treat disease.
My spiritual (a Higher Universal Source Consciousness connection) quantum reiki energy method is a Higher Spiritual holistic energy wellness method using vibrational energies from the multi-Universe ; it is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional..
I assist people and animals in correcting their energetic imbalances in their many chakras, body and the bio-field that assists the body in activating its natural energy healing ability. When the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body's cells' natural energetic ability can heal itself but Various imbalances in the body may require further treatments to facilitate the body’s healing process.
I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice. My work is a complementary Spiritual energy service to regular allopathic medicine. All healing is self-healing.
I do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of my work or of the quantum reiki energy healing sessions. If a Client or Student might experience any kind of bodily discomfort for any length of time, they shall not hold Aranka Fisher nor Reiki Golden Healing, liable for any discomfort, disorder or condition(s) . I and the spiritual Universal Source Loving Higher energy of pure Light energy and the Quantum Reiki healing work, are pure in heart and loving light, so NO harm to any person or animal can be caused from us or Q/reiki method of energy healing , during their session or a person's class.
Thank you for your loving energy on Earth.