What is Color Light Therapy
a Natural and Holistic light energy healing system that uses special colored filters, a light source. its used to heal any physical body and the energy chakras.
A simple, Holistic & rapid healing method for any body.
the device used: An electric can light with 40-60 watt incandescent light bulb is setup with special glass color filter(s) in place, this is beamed onto the recipients body as per the recommended spectrochrome tonation system to treat the recipient's disorder.
*These are very relaxing calming sessions for people, pets and animals.
*Each session duration varies per treatment schedule and colors needed. (takes about 5-20 minutes per color).
the Color Light Therapy we do are based on Dinshah G.'s 'Spectrochrome' method developed in the late 1800's that he used to treat any health disorder in People and Animals. He spent over 20 yrs in research (in early 1900's) before selling the Spectrochrome kits at very affordable cost to people in US and globally, still available today from Dinshah health soc..
Color Filters are made to specific Color Light Frequencies. We use special freq. glass filters (not plastic gels) since glass is a natural material and also a much more flexible system to use than gels.
Various Color Light therapies were used in ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, Atlantis, Lemuria, etc.; and re-emerged since 1860's in US. Other forms of Color Light therapy modalities include Color Lazer Light therapy and Color Light treatment and are used in Hospitals, military settings, Animal care givers, Veterinarians, doctors. etc... worldwide.
One of the founders sons', Darius Dinshah, wrote the book Let there be Light and explained:
"Each cell, organ and body system has its own distinct energy frequency,
when dis-ease occurs, the unhealthy cells' frequencies are altered,
but they can be corrected easily by applying the original healthy frequency to them in the form of colored light with special color filters.
Please NO Food (1-2 hrs) before your Tonation,
Drinking filtered water is ok anytime.
Color Light Tonations help energize and balance the Clients whole body and chakras..
This is a gentle holistic vibrational energizing and balancing method.
These are very relaxing calming and balancing sessions for people, pets and animals.
actual session time frame varies as per 'treatment schedule(s) Client will receive
Each color takes about 20 minutes to be tonated into Client's body
we prefer glass filters since glass is a natural material and much more flexible a system to use than the special plastic gels energizing process
we use the Spectrochrome Color Therapy system and special glass filters from Original Light Glass Studio
All the glass Color Filters are made to specific Color Light Frequencies relating to the specific energy frequencies in the Physical and Etheric Body or energy Chakras and aura (in all life forms).
Session includes:
a short Consultation
receive a Color Light Tonation(s) (1 or 2 color treatments as you will need):
given to you while you are lying down in a real comfy bed, clothed and lightly covered, in the Reiki room,
(you can relax, read, go to sleep) and enjoy your gentle tonating healing experience (time as needed per your health needs),
Reiki music plays softly nearby us. Aranka will be nearby if you need anything.
Please NO Food (1-2 hrs) before your Tonation; filtered water is ok to drink anytime.
Cash or check (paid in full at time of the appt.) thank you
Tonation Rates:
(1) Color Light Tonation, rate $40,
appt. takes about 45 min. (includes 1, 25-30 min tonation and a short consultation)
(2) Color Light Tonations, rate $70,
appt. about 60-75 min.(includes 2, 20-25 min tonations and a short consultation)
for this treatment your Animal or pet typically needs to be in a comfortable, warm,
Quiet, Private space, indoors or out, in an enclosed space (shed, Barn etc.)
to receive their treatment (they typ. will lie down to rest, sleep or stand and rest
like horses do):
Session Includes:
a short Consultation and
(2) Color Light energy Tonations,
fee $70 (cash or check, payment due in full at appt)
takes about (60) - (75) min.
be within (10) miles of our office location in Spokane (if further
contact us for details plus travel fee )
we will need access to an electrical outlet
please don't feed the animal or pet anything 1-2 hrs before the appt.
but give your animal or pet pure fresh filtered Water anytime, water is very important
Instructions To Owner
we will email to you a Animal Client Intake Form
please download it, fill out and email back to us if possible. or fill it out and and give to Aranka at your appt.
also please email us a picture of your Animal or Pet to be seen. thank you
for Dinshah's Spectrochrome,
see www.dinshahhealth.org and get the book, Let there be Light.
the glass filters
i buy from from Rose Peterson, Original Light Glass Studio ( www.coloredlighttherapy.com )
generates energy sound vibrations of LOVE and harmony,
is very healing to cells of many Life forms
green is the 4th Chakra color, Heart and feelings center
wardrobe, home decor, office, use of more live house Plants, etc. for healing energy vibrations in and around you.
HOT or warm COLORS ARE: scarlet, red, magenta, orange, yellow, lemon
COLD COLORS ARE: green, blue, indigo, violet, purple...
eat Organic naturally GREEN 'Color' foods, raw or steamed like veges... give new life energy to your body via pure oxygen, water, nutrients, healing the cells, and for pets too... many life forms eat green veges raw.
we suggest people to drink plenty 6-8 glasses of filtered clean water daily
and Pets also need clean healthy water daily. thank you.
1. Earth is called the Blue Green Planet (as seen from space), or most importantly made of the vibrational energys of Love and Oxygen and water.
2. GREEN colors
Trees, plants, Nature.. GREEN COLOR VIBRATIONS HEAL US, green plants and trees produce 'Loving energy vibrations' and oxygen to be taken in by most Life forms.
3. BLUE colors
Humans and other life forms exhale toxic carbons and the plants and trees absorb those, recycle them and produce vital Oxygen back to the rest of the planet's inhabitants.... wow great system.
all Life on Earth is inter-connected and also to Earth, nature, and the Universal Consciousness in this dim.3D...
Porki having a Color Light Tonation:
a gentle Holistic healing method. Animals really love the various tonations of Light healing FOR their Whole Being. Thank you. Reiki Golden Healing