We Teach two different Methods of Energy Healing
An Evolved Comprehensive Energy Healing & Wellness Method created by Aranka Fisher
includes the evolved Comprehensive Quantum Energy Healing & Soul Connection MEDITATION ,
Free The Mind from negative beliefs and
deeply activate, open, connect Your Pineal Gland to Higher levels of Light
get Deeply Enlightened To Higher Levels Of Cosmic Consciousness,
Crystals uses
High Level Energy Attunements
Levels taught are Q/R 1 to 2 and Q/R practice classes
Usui was the founder of Reiki in Japan in early 1900's
Crystals uses
High Energy Attunements
Levels taught are R1 to Reiki MST and Reiki practice classes
QUANTUM REIKI (levels 1-2): The Quantum Reiki energy healing method we offer was developed by Aranka Fisher, Reiki Master Teacher back in 2012 guided by her evolved Soul, Beings of Light, Source, Crystals, Earth Soul and others of pure Light. This complex and comprehensive Higher form of energy Light work method is our specialty and comes very naturally to Aranka; we are always being Higher Soul and Super Consciousness or pure Light energy guided, to help Earth and her humanity to evolve. You will be able to expand your mind's consciousness quickly to learn a Higher way to be in your Soul mission and to free your Mind from negative thoguhts and feelings quite quickly. We will give you much information to help you channel energy for your own self healing abilities in the Body's cells, to detox and heal your cells, remove negative memories and much more. just sign up and come get En-Lightened Each Q/Reiki level is taught on (1) Saturday (uno), (class offered 2x/ mo, uno)
Usui REIKI (levels 1 to Reiki Master) : Based on Traditional Usui Reiki Energy Healing system, history and information; ICRT Reiki Manuals are used and many handouts, in-class Reiki energy healing sharing and giving are done, with deep Meditation, evolved energy healing and Chakras info. Soul & Higher Insights shared by teacher,Crystals and much more. All classes are for Holistic and natural whole being energy healing. Each Usui Reiki level is taught on (2) Sundays, so 2 classes per level.
Please Contact Aranka to make a 'Meet & Greet Appt. Before signing up for your 1st class.
Aranka Fisher is our Reiki Master,Quantum Reiki Teacher & Energy Practitioner, a ICRT, RMA Affiliate member since 2012.
Students are given much care, support, help, loving Light energy, guidance, energy healing throughout their presence in the class(s). you are treated like family.
Please Avoid any processed sugar, non organic foods, GMO"S, meat that is preserved or altered (or meat in general) if possible.
Try to Eat Organic fresh or steamed foods
drink plenty of pure filtered WATER daily
thank you
(taught on one -Sat.)
Q/R Lev 1 class includes:
all Class materials
the comprehensive evolved Quantum Reiki method, in detail
The (7)* key Parts that make up the Physical Body
activate your evolved 12+ Energy Chakras system, that start from each Foot and need to be connected into Earth, deeply freed up too...
students receive a private Quantum REIKI energy Attunement & a mini Q/Reiki healing
learn and do deep Quantum Meditation to be deeply enlightened
activating your Pineal gland (3rd eye) to a Higher level of consciousness,
let your Intuition guide you not the Mind (ego)...
do Quantum Reiki energy healing for deep transformation,
activate your Higher cosmic Soul skills & abilities,
learn how to free your mind (ego) from false beliefs
get deeply enlightened with higher Soul and cosmic knowledge ,
raise your whole Body's cell's & chakras energy, Light, Vibration,
detox your whole body emotionally, physically, mentally etc. Naturally
with your energy healing abilities
get Soul past life info. from your Soul,
connect to your Soul, whole Being, all your 12 major and all minor Chakras
in a meditative state open 3rd eye & connect to Source, New Earth, Crystals in Earth
be enlightened, gain knowledge,
use of Crystals and more
Break: about 30 min, share lite meal in class (organic veget. foods please)
learn to detach/ let go of negative thoughts: Human drama, stress, fear, anger, physical pain, emotional abuse, harm etc.
receive Soul Insights & past life into. from Aranka and your Soul
Plus info on: healthy foods, herbals, homeopathy, natural living
metaphysical info, ,past life regression hypnotherapy, UFO's etc.
Astrology Insights, your Earth elements, Sun sign info.
lovely herbal tea served ,
with meditation music to comfort us all day
Certificate of completion (an e-copy or hard copy)
TUITION Special $300
Tuition includes: all Class materials, shared organic Veget. lite meal at break and lovely fresh made herbal teas. Tuition due in Full by start of first class.
Advanced Reservation required. Payment Options:
1. Adv. Reservation $150 deposit (non-refundable).
2. $300 full payment (non-refundable) (can use Paypal)
Paypal (sm* admin fee added) or Venmo
FOLLOWUP CLASS QUANTUM REIKI - lev 1 (for 2.5-3 hrs)
prerequisite: Q/Reiki Lev 1 Class
Cost $60 / per Class . Adv. Reservation reqd.
(please contact Aranka for details)
after you complete Q/Reiki Lev 1 this Class is next. we will do:
a deep guided Quantum Meditation
do a guided Quantum Reiki energy healing for SELF treatment for your whole body (all 7 energy parts), enlighten all your 12 major chakras, and detox energize and heal the whole body on all levels
self release all negative Thoughts, emotions, memories from your cell's, mind, brain from their conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels
deeply enlighten every part of of our whole Being
expand your Mind's consciousness, (mind is in 3d awareness, ego and 'self' body guard)
get Higher connected to Higher levels of Consciousness, your Soul, Source, Earth, New Earth, Crystals, your cosmic family of Light and much more ...
- experience a much higher Cosmic reality and evolve the Mind
- deeply connect to Soul Source, the New Earth, Crystals, etc. and enlighten our being (via the 3rd eye , pineal gland)
continue to activate and use your Higher Soul energy abilities, and allow a higher way, follow your spiritual Mission on Earth.
experience our peaceful Light energies in the office, with many Crystals and plants to enlighten our own energies to also bring us a deep feeling of Love and Light,
Herbal Tea is served
wonderful meditation music accompanies us
(Prerequisite: Q/R Lev 1 )
Class includes:
learn and use Crystals
a high energy Quantum REIKI Attunement
do deep Q/ Meditation, Soul and whole Body * connection
do Q/Reiki energy healing on classmates in class (practice) (can be mentored by teacher)
learn advanced ways of healing,
lean about healthy foods,
natural Homeopathic alternatives for health and wellness
cells behaviour, Mind beliefs, illness, healing and Epigenetics, info from advanced Natural healing resources
use crystals etc.
completion Certificate Lev 2 (not a practitioner certificate)
please see requirements below for The Quantum Reiki Level 2 Practitioner Certificate.
TUITION Special $300
Tuition includes: all Class materials, shared organic vegetarian food at break
and lovely fresh made herbal teas. Tuition due in Full by start of first class.
Advanced Reservation required. Payment Options:
1. Adv. Reservation $150 deposit (non-refundable).
2. $300 full payment (non-refundable) (can use Paypal*)
Payment Methods:
Cash or check (in person), or prepaid with Paypal * (sm* fee added) or Venmo **.
(**Venmo is free service w/ Debit card, see link on header) Thank you
Followup Class Quantum Reiki Lev 2 ( 3 hrs)
prerequisite: Q/Reiki Lev 1
Cost $60 / per Class .Adv. Reservation needed
(contact Aranka for details)
practice giving Quantum Reiki to others in class
do Deep Quantum Meditation ,
activate your Pineal gland, 6th chakra, connect to your Higher Soul level
activate your Higher abilities, evolve your mind and Human consciousness quickly
advance your telepathic abilities ,
learn how to channel universal Q/reiki energies, scan, detox energize, enlighten another person in class
use Crystals
lovely herbal Tea served , filtered water, and lovely meditation music.
After you have:
completed both Quantum Reiki levels 1 and 2
completed all required Quantum Reiki Lev 1 and Lev 2 Followup Classes in a 12 month period (most preferred).
given a complete Q/Reiki energy healing session appt's. to at least eight (8) Recipients,
please document your sessions thoroughly, using a client intake form, your consultation notes,higher insights after you gave the quantum reiki energy treatment and anything else that explains what the appt. coivered.
after you have completed 8 different client appt's,
please give us a summary as a copy, of your 8 min. client's notes for each person or animal you gave a q/reiki session to.
Aranka can help you with forms. call or email her for details.
your q/reiki energy healing sessions can be done on: the same person or animal (but the 8 appt's required for this certificate must be on eight (8) different clients)
you can work on more than 8 clients, (to help you evolve in giving your energy healing abilities to others) and to feel very confident
please have the appt. requirements done in a 12 month, consecutive months, time frame
provide us with your notes of the 8 Recipients you did Quantum Reiki session with; their names, addresses, date of appt, brief copy of their health concerns and Copy of your 'client' notes before and after their free Q/Reiki appt. / treatment.( pls write clearly)
After the above requirements are fully completed and proof is emailed to Aranka for review, the Quantum Reiki 2 student will be qualified to receive their Q/Reiki Lev 2 Practitioner Certificate
you may create your own energy healing business and
use our Quantum Reiki energy healing method, respectful of our methods and practices.
you can charge as you feel qualified for your services
this certificate allows you to work in the US as a Holistic Practitioner .

Evolved 12 Major Energy Chakras
(model developed and drawn by Aranka Fisher, Quantum Reiki Teacher & Pract.,
Reiki Golden Healing
After class I experienced a lot o joy, laughter, and good energy. I felt proud of myself and accomplished like I am on the path I need to be, towards healing for myself and the planet. Sarah G. Spok. 2017
Hi Aranka,
Thank you so very much for the reiki classes and all you offered and gave us! Incredible! You are incredible!
love, Denise (Reiki 2 lev)
Hi Aranka
i hope you and your wonderful dog are enjoying the sun. I'd like to thank you again for all of the time you took to help me realize what is actually happening...
...during my dreams I was told that I came to you for help because of your beacon of golden light.
Love Krystal, Spokane WA.
[? List any experiences learning and doing 'deep whole body Self healing Meditation' guided by Teacher?:]
I was able to feel energy all around me and tingling in my fingers. I also saw different colors mainly yellows and greens.
But the energy was strong and loving and I could really feel the love surrounding me and waking up my cells, my body almost jittery after.
JR, (Reiki 1) , spokane
Hi Aranka,
Thank you so much for all of your guidance and teaching!!! And for the flowers! I love them! I hope you and Porky are doing well! Love Mariasha, Spokane
Aranka gives a lot of herself to her students. Very caring, enthusiastic, and encouraging. Thank you. Mariasha 2015
I felt very enlightened when I received my reiki attunements. the reiki methods were described in great detail, better than most. I loved the classes they were beyond my expectarions!
I would highly recommend Aranka,
Rachel H. 2014 Spokane
[Did the classes meet your desires and expectiations?]:
Absolutely! The classes started my soul journey, incredible connection to source energy. I love the way Aranka allows me to be free.
Elizabeth L. 2014 Spokane
[Describe any enlightening experiences you had in Reiki 1-2 classes?]
I have connected to mother earth energy- can feel the divine source. I am more intuitive. i got more from Aranka than I ever expected from a reiki class.
Thank you Gaye,e
Hi Aranka,
(update on this week after Reiki 1 class and my Reiki energy Attunement by you);
I had flu like symptoms when I got home. next day woke up feeling awful, with a bad attitude about everything which I do not ordinarily have. on my walk at lunch my hands started to tingle and I really started feeling better (mentally).
I googled Reiki Attunements and many people reported similar stuff.
When I got home, even though I didn't feel well, I felt like I had to go jogging and wow, what a jog! I felt great the whole time I had so much energy. Today I am mentally feeling very good and I'm drinking a lot of water. Brenna, Spok (Reiki 1 lev)
I thoroughly enjoyed my Reiki training experience with Aranka. The classes went beyond Reiki. We explored the metaphysical together sharing experiences and learning more than I ever imagined.
Aranka is extremely intuitive and has much knowledge to pass on. She truly cares about her students and patients!
Her classes are uplifting, healing and moved me forward on my very gradual metaphysical journey.
Aranka went the extra mile to make our time together what I wanted it to be, and the bonus is, I found a lifelong friend!
Gaye S , WA
[List any experiences you had in learning to connect with Universal light energies?]
I did feel energy and it helped me to understand alot about myself-
i felt very comfortable and appreciated how Aranka was very open to answering my questions and giving me good advice.
thank you. Julie T. Spokane
Hi Aranka,
Thank you so very much for yesterday's reiki sharing, i enjoyed meeting Julie, the entire time helped me gain confidence. It was a very good experience for me.
I look forward to next Reiki class. hugs, Denise
Traditional USUI REIKI with Quantum Meditations and more.
Please Contact Aranka for details
REIKI LEV. 1- SELF (10 hrs)
(taught in (2) classes, on 2 weekends (uno)
This first class is very comprehensive & full of enlightening data and teachings; it includes:
what is Consciousness and the Higher Self / Soul, Incarnation, Source, why are you here on Earth at this time of Higher changes?
REIKI HISTORY, Traditional Reiki; MIKAO USUI etc.
the ICRT Reiki class Levels
the Whole Human Life Form's 7 'Parts' -
12 Major Energy Chakras-
Deep Meditation (guided) to connect and do Self Reiki Healing
activate your Body's Cells to Higher vibrations of love health and Light
receive your Reiki 1 Energy Attunement (high energy mini Q/Reiki healing too)
various Reiki energy healing / channeling techniques for Self healing in class
Self healing practice, with various reiki methods.
learn how to release unloving energies, toxins, etc. from your whole body
Astrology - Earth elements: how they help you for healing and balancing,
New Earth info.
using Crystals for healing
REIKI 1 certificate
ICRT Usui Reiki Manual for lev 1 & 2, (196 pgs) ICRT is the professional Reiki Org.
TUITION $300 (includes ICRT Reiki 1 & 2 Manual)
Tuition includes: all Class materials, we bring & share organic Vegetarian meal at break (1 per class day),
Tuition due before class date
Reservation, Deposit & Payment Options:
1. $150 deposit (cash, check or Paypal), (non-refundable).
2. $300 full payment (cash, check or Paypal) ($150 non-refundable)
(taught in (2) classes,on 2 weekend Sundays)
Prerequisite: Reiki 1 completed at RGH (Reiki Golden Healing)
This deep energy healing class includes:
traditional Usui Reiki method and basics of Quantum Reiki (learn evolved Chakras syst. and the 7 key parts of whole Body*)
a personal Reiki 2 energy Attunement (with mini Quantum Reiki energy treatment)
a deep energy Meditation (Q/R technique), expand your Intuitive abilities
receive 3 Reiki symbols
channel high levels of Reiki for healing self and others - Hands on or off body
connect with your Higher Self (Soul) and learn about your human life mission
activate your Higher energy abilities,
do Reiki on others- Students practice giving & receiving Reiki (various methods) in class
meditation and Mantras to help you release stress, detox your Whole Being* (all 7 key parts)
evolved ways to Protect yourself from unloving or neg. energies, Parasites, etc.
use Crystals for healing
Reiki lev 2 Certificate after completion
To work as a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner:
you will need to complete Reiki level 2 class and have the Certificate, and practice Meditation to connect to your Soul & Source etc. daily and give Reiki often to self and Others, animals and earth too, for 4-6 months min. (if you feel very confident than ask your Soul if you are ready to do Reiki as a business); get a City and State Business license.. No State or US Federal license is required for Holistic energy healing Practitioners as per the professional Reiki org., the ICRT.
Volunteering is wonderful way to offer Others Your Compassionate energy work via Reiki energy healing to : Homeless shelters, Native American or any Ethnic 'helping people centers', Christian or other Spiritual places that have some open mindedness to Reiki, Women's shelters, senior centers, pet shelters and sim. kids foster care, hospitals, animal Vets, animal farms and safe havens for animals...try to Be in Awareness always, be Higher Soul guided and be safe. thank you, much love to you!
Tuition includes: all Class materials, group shared Organic Veget. meal (1/class), herbal tea. Tuition due: in full before class date. Reservation options:
Prepaid Deposit:
$150 deposit (cash or check), (nonrefundable)
$150* deposit via Paypal* (*plus small admin fee), (nonrefundable)
or Pay in Full:
$300 (cash in person or check), ($150 nonrefundable)
$300* prepaid via Paypal* (*plus small admin fee) ($150 nonrefundable)
Thank you
Consist of (3) levels or 6 classes: each level is about 10 hrs. and taught on 2 wkend days.
(taught on (2) Sundays)
(prerequisite: previous Reiki levels completed here at RGH)
This is the first of (3) Advanced Reiki levels; you are welcome to take the 'ART" level only or go on and do all 3 advanced levels to complete the R/Master+ program. this level includes:
a personal Adv. Reiki energy Attunement with mini Q/R energy healing
deep Meditation in all classes
the 4 advanced Reiki symbols
create various Crystal grids for energizing / healing
do Reiki Sharing in class with others- give and receive Reiki
learn how to release dark harmful,Unloving energies, emotions,thoughts,Stress etc
methods to Protect Yourself from dark or neg. vibrations and on any dim.
we may do Distant Animal or Pet Reiki
learn to do Distant People Reiki
Meditations - from ICRT Reiki MAster Manual
activate your Higher Soul skills and abilities,
practice more Higher Intuitively guided/ telepathic / energy work in class
enlighten your whole Chakra syst., body , Mind, pineal gland and whole being deeply
Certificate: Adv. Reiki Training Practitioner Certificate awarded upon completion (as e-file or hardcopy)
the ICRT Reiki Master Manual is used in all 3 Adv. Reiki classes.
Tuition includes: the ICRT Reiki Master Manual ($20 value) (manual used in all 3 Adv. classes), all class materials, lovely fresh herbal teas, shared vegetarian organic meal at Break (1/class).
Tuition due in full at start of class. Reservation:
$200 deposit (cash ), nonrefundable or
$200 deposit, (prepaid via Paypal* small admin fee added), nonrefundable
$400 (cash in person), $200 nonrefundable
Thank you for being here with your loving energy & Light
(10 hrs)
(prerequisite: Advanced Reiki Training (ART) taken here at RGH)
(taught in (2) classes, on 2 weekends uno)
Class includes:
Reiki Mst energy Attunement
do Deep Reiki Energy healing and Meditations - guided by Aranka
Reiki sharing - giving & receiving reiki in class
Connecting to your Soul, and Higher Consciousness for Higher knowledge
do reiki on Earth and more
Distant Reiki or distant Animal Reiki
activate your Soul's Higher abilities, expand your Mind & Telepathic abilities
receive some Soul's past life time(s) info
do Reiki in class, on Others (and Self) using various techniques
raise your energy vibrations in your whole body and chakras
Develop your Psychic channeling skills
evolve your Mind, release ego / control
give Reiki Attunements to classmates
resources and info on Eating healthy, organic vegetarian, Juicing, herbs, etc
learn how to let go of Drama, Fear, stress, detach from neg. thoughts
give respect & Love to Yourself via mantras, meditation technique
evolve your connection to infinite Source, Soul, Earth, Cosmic family of Light,
Certificate: Reiki 3 & Reiki Master are a joint certificate given after Reiki Master class is completed
Tuition includes: all class materials, lovely herbal tea, shared vegetarian organic meal (1/class). Tuition due in full at start of in 1st class. Prepay options:
$150 deposit (cash or check), nonrefundable
$300 (cash or check) ( $150 nonrefundable)
$300 prepaid via Paypal* (* w/ small admin fee) ($150 nonrefundable)
(prerequisite: Reiki 3 taken here at RGH)
(taught in (2) classes,
on 2 weekends uno, 1 week apart)
This is the final Class in our Evolved Reiki & Higher Consciousness program; it includes:
how to create a Reiki business, details and helpful advice
how to integrate Reiki into vocation and service
offering Reiki to others in town as a Volunteer,
do our deep healing energy Meditations,
evolve your Q/Reiki and Usui Reiki techniques,
activate your Soul level energy abilities and evolve
build confidence practicing your personal Reiki skills
Soul Chakras Mind Body- more Self evolution in this Body/ life time
more 6th chakra work: raising your psychic, telepathic abilities to Higher freq's in class work
raise your cellular energy levels in your whole Body
connecting to Univ. golden family of Light- focus is expanding your abilities
use of Crystals: create energy grids, extensive ways to use
Reiki & Quantum Reiki methods - do reiki sharing in class
practice Animal Reiki or Distant Reiki (on person or pet) if time allows
review all we've learned from previous levels
information to become a Reiki teacher in future
ICRT and RMA member info,
local and state Business. info.
Certificate: a joint Reiki 3 & Reiki Master Certificate given upon completion
Tuition includes: all class materials, shared /vegetarian organic meal (1/class), herbal tea.Tuition due in full at start of first class.
Prepay options:
$150 deposit,(cash or paypal nonrefundable)
$300 prepaid via Paypal* (*small admin fee) ($150 nonrefundable)
Thank you, we wish you a magnificent life filled with much light & Love.
Brain State Brain Wave Frequency Associated with:
Beta 14-21 and higher Waking state, the 5 senses, Perception of time & space.
Alpha 7-14 and higher Light sleep, Meditative state, Intuition,
no time/space, un-limited potential.
Theta 4-7 and higher Deeper sleep, Meditative state.
Delta 0-4 and higher Very deep sleep, unconscious state.
everything living on Earth and in the Cosmos, in all dimensions, is made of Energy, it vibrates and 'moves' in spiral or wave-like motion , produces a sound freq., a color, has light and a energy vibration..
Everything you see around you is vibrating at a frequency - so are you.
your frequency is different from other things in the universe but
you are all connected to all that is around you - people, animals, plants, trees and so on.
we are all living in an ocean of energy all connected.
The Law of Vibration is the foundation for Law of Attraction.
And please check out THE MULTIWAVE OSCILLATOR , (MVO)
(amazing sound vibrational healing treatment device.)
invented in the 1920's BY French Prof. Georges Lakhovsky.
THe MVO was an amazing Holistic Vibrational Cellular energy activator healing device,
Lakhovsky was also using Nikola Tesla's theories on vibrational healing; the machines were sold & used Successfully, in hospitals, by healthcare professionals ... in Europe and USA to treat many types of health issues for decades till the US govt. (influenced by the drug industry) suddenly removed all machines and Prof Lakhovsky who had moved to USA in the 1940's, suddenly was killed by a car. BUT now (2019) the machine is back on the market:::: see for details. https://multiwaveoscillator.com/
The number of cycles per unit of time ( ie. 60 cps = 60 Hz)
is measured in cycles per second (cps) or the interchangeable Hertz (Hz)
528 hz,
the divine sound and perfect pitch;
The Milkyway (our 3D) Universe vibrates in C chord = 528 hz or A chord = 432 hz
(data from Dr. Leonard Horowitz)
- Dr. Leonard Horowitz wrote"The Book of 528.com The Universal Energy of Frequency and Vibration" and said:
"Healing is administered by the energy Healer or Energy Practitioner, with :
FAITH, Prayer & Pure HEART felt LOVING INTENTION to uplift the Recipient"
The Secrets Of Vibration 528hz, Hidden truths of sound, Law Of Attraction
528 hz is known as the the divine sound and the perfect pitch;
a blade of grass vibrates at C=528hz
is Slowly being globally corrected from the limited 440 HZ recordings of sound/ musical experience to the expansive 432 hz .
Summer of 2017
people discovered that 432 ('perfect Pitch') is more likely 430.65 hz (see video: 432 Hz vs 430.65 Hz Frequency Comparison , link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T508u-vAyA
432 hz is being revised to the freq. of 430.65 , a Higher vibe
(a much freer healthier vibrational affect on brain and body of life forms on Earth)
History; in 1939 the tuning of the note ‘A above Middle C’ to 440 Hz was adopted in the world of music (unfortunately). American Federation of Musicians had accepted the A440 as standard pitch in 1917.
A = 432 Hz Frequency: the perfect pitch in Music
is used for DNA Tuning
Ancient Egyptian and Greek instruments were been found to be tuned to 432 Hz
A=432 Hz .. most practical, optimal, and most bio-friendly resonant tuning see http://themindunleashed.org
also search online for Sound healing with:
singing bowls, (glass or copper) ,
ACUTONICS (using Tuning Forks)
String Theory, String field or M theory;
universal energy looks like tiny vibrating wave-like strings,
each string produces sound, as frequencies of light, has color, and patterns.