We offer Quantum Reiki Energy Healing for Pets and many other Animals. Animal Clients can be located anywhere on the planet as all sessions are done Distantly.
Aranka Fisher is our evolved Quantum Reiki Energy Practitioner, Teacher and Reiki Master Teacher.
Just Contact Aranka for an Appointment or information. Please Do Not Prepay Until You Have An Appt.. Thank you
Quantum Reiki Energy Healing Method for Animals:
All Living things need Pure Source Light energy to help their whole Being to detox energize and activate their self healing abilities.
Quantum Reiki was developed by Aranka Fisher in 2012.
is a comprehensive, advanced, natural and Holistic energy healing Light connection method
to help the animal's whole being get deeply enlightened on all levels
to activate their Higher Connection via their 3rd eye
activate their whole Body's and Mind's self detoxing and healing abilities holistically, quickly and naturally.
we respect Pets & all Animals as highly intelligent Beings,
animals are loving beings, made of 7 Physical & Etheric parts, the etheric is the Light energy & connected to ones Soul and Source Light.
All life forms have a Consciousness and are Light energy
all living things have an energy chakra system.
But the energy chakra system in Animals and Humans, all start from each foot (the feet are the physical part that touches earth when walking on her, BUT the ancient yogi's always SAT on earth mostly in meditative states & felt their chakras began there at the tail bone and bottom while touching earth & connected energetically.
energy chakras go up in freq' , vibe, sound color, thru the body
most Animals with 4 feet will have (4)- 1st chakras making them very aware of the planet's energy vibrations and movements.
$80 Special Mon-Fri. Donation
please make your appt. first Then prepay
we take Paypal, use the Donate button, (you can sign in as Guest)
Note: Quantum Reiki given as a Distant session offers the client same energy healing benefits as if it were given in person (because we're creating a deep spiritual energy Light consciousness connection telepathically with the recipient's whole Being, with the cosmic Soul, family, you, Sources of Pure Light energy, Earth, Crystals etc...and then channel those pure Light energies knowledge into the recipients whole being for a deeply benevolent enlightening experience)
See below for Client Instructions
Appt. includes:
about 1 hr session for one Animal
a comprehensive deep Quantum Reiki energy healing treatment done distantly by Aranka for your darling animal's / pet's whole Being* (all 7* parts: the Soul, energy Chakras, Mind, Body, Emotions etc)
Q/Reiki session Findings will be shared with Animal owner via email within 24 hrs.
non-refundable, non-transferable
Note: During the Distant Q/Reiki session, your darling animal / pet will probably enjoy a long deep sleep or it may get up, move about, need to detox, let go of toxins in various areas of its Being (body/mind/emotions) during the night or next morning (like pee, poop, vomit, sneeze, etc) for its wellbeing and will feel Lighter, much better afterword.
We will email you a Animal Quantum Reiki Intake Form. please fill out and email back to us no later than 2-days before your Appt.
2. Email pic's of your Pet or Animal:
(1-3) photos is fine (save as a JPG,TIFF or GIFF file) of:
full body view or closeup of head / face and
a picture of body area with any health issue (if applicable)
please email pictures no later than (2) days before appt.
Thank you
$230 Special Mon-Fri. Donation
please make your appt. first Then prepay
we take Paypal, use the Donate button, (you can sign in as Guest)
Note: Quantum Reiki given as a Distant session offers the client same energy healing benefits as if it were given in person (because we're creating a deep spiritual energy Light consciousness connection telepathically with the recipient's whole Being, with the cosmic Soul, family, you, Sources of Pure Light energy, Earth, Crystals etc...and then channel those pure Light energies knowledge into the recipients whole being for a deeply benevolent enlightening experience)
See below for Client Instructions
Appt. includes:
(3) 1 hr sessions for same Animal
a comprehensive deep Quantum Reiki energy healing treatment done distantly by Aranka for your darling animal's / pet's whole Being* (all 7* parts: the Soul, energy Chakras, Mind, Body, Emotions etc)
Q/Reiki session Findings will be shared with Animal owner via email within 24 hrs.
non-refundable, non-transferable
Note: During the Distant Q/Reiki session, your darling animal / pet will probably enjoy a long deep sleep or it may get up, move about, need to detox, let go of toxins in various areas of its Being (body/mind/emotions) during the night or next morning (like pee, poop, vomit, sneeze, etc) for its wellbeing and will feel Lighter, much better afterword.
We will email you a Animal Quantum Reiki Intake Form. please fill out and email back to us no later than 2-days before your Appt.
2. Email pic's of your Pet or Animal:
(1-3) photos is fine (save as a JPG,TIFF or GIFF file) of:
full body view or closeup of head / face and
a picture of body area with any health issue (if applicable)
please email pictures no later than (2) days before appt.
Thank you
Keep In Touch
via email and let us know how your animal/ pet is.
Aranka loves Animals Dearly
I hope you all take great care of the Dogs, Cats, and any other animals you may have or come in contact with on Earth, give them your warm tender thoughts, love, water, fresh healthy food and Kindness!. thank you
Animals Know and trust in energy healing.
they love getting connected to pure LIGHT, Sources of Loving Energy in all the Cosmos... to continuously be energized and enlightened.
Animals can easily read and feel natural Source and crystals Energy as it vibrates (all living things are made of energy and vibrate)
Animals are very sensitive and have deep Intelligence and Loving energy
can feel Earth vibrations from miles away
Animals trust and enjoy Aranka's loving energy and evolved energy Light healing skills...
Please Give all your Animals much More Fresh WATER Daily
due to the intense 4G and 5G manmade wireless microwave EMF radiation being emitted all over our towns, cities, and planet nonstop from WIRELESS / wifi cell antennas, cell towers, all Smart phones, routers, smart meters..
....the planet is being greatly harmed, cooked by RF microwaves and dehydrated, causing many living things various cellular health disorders (nature, trees, animals, oceans, atmosphere, air, water, and humans). exposure to these super high 4G and 5G (thats 5000hz per sec. of EMF pulsing us );
wireless frequencies can cause high levels of Stress to the mental physical emotional and energy bodies of a life form; affecting brain,sleep, memory loss, Dehydration, weight gain, inflammation, head pain etc. that needs to be addressed!.
and especially AVOID USING WIFI DEVICES NEAR YOUR ANIMALS as they are highly sensitive and harmed by this manmade microwave EMR.
Earth and all natural world , Animals, Humans on earth are created to vibrate only on 7.83hz (thats very peaceful), also called the Schumann resonance.
You can do your own research on the truth of wireless radiation, exposure and health disorders / health risks, shielding, use of copper wire as a faraday cage copper in clothing for shielding, shield your home , sleeping areas, your loved ones; some excellent resources and researchers are Dr Klinghart, Dr Norman Pall, Nick the EMF Guy, Dr Magda Havas, and many other honest caring experts on wifi and health harm.
WE ALL NEED MORE WATER DAILY, FILTERED AND CLEAN DUE TO THE excess EMF's and chemtrails dehydrating earth life.
An exclt. co. I use is https://emf-protection.com in UK and ship quickly to USA. just search online for EMF protection clothing, bedding, bed nets, curtains, paint etc. shielding. The key is to use silver lined fabrics and also copper for other emf shielding designs

we offer your loving Pets and Animals, magnificent Reiki energy healing, distantly. They can be located any where on Earth and get a magnificent whole body healing experience as if in person with us. Reiki is channeled to your pet or animal's whole body by Aranka, Reiki Mst. Practitioner ...thank you for connecting to us at Reiki Golden Healing.

Hi Aranka,
Sam (cat) is doing great - we're so grateful, and she seems much happier. She's going outside and eating now - she's starting to put on weight too.
Louie (dog) is also doing very well - her tummy has healed up and she's back to her usual jubilant self.
Thanks again for all your help - we so appreciate it!
Carole, Phoenix AZ
(Sam, Louie and Tammy all receive Q/reiki healing sessions as needed, from 2015
Morning Aranka,
I am flat out in awe of the changes I've seen in my dog Lejla since starting reiki on her. She's had four sessions with you and she's nearly back to her normal self.
She was so incredibly sick prior to starting reiki with you; her whole body hurt, she was refusing to eat, her whole gastrointestinal tract was dysfunctional and she was incredibly depressed.
My vets were at a loss of what to do next and merely suggested more drugs.
Aranka, you not only helped me to see where and why Lejla was hurting but helped me make the appropriate steps in healing her as a whole from the inside out and on a soul level.
Lejla is my 'kid' for all intents and purposes and I cannot thank Aranka enough for the copious amounts of healing love and energy she poured into my girl and bringing her back to me.
Thank you !
Much love, Erin & all the furry kiddos, Deer Park, WA
Hi Aranka
Lejla (dog) is doing better... we're turning a page in her mood especially. She's still having issues, but overall she seems much happier. And she's excited to eat which is much more like her.
Had a great consult with the holistic vet and starting her on home cooked diet tomorrow.
(after several Q/REIKI sessions)
I did feel a lot of energy being channeled by you (into Lejla and all her animals on their farm) and Lejla was so relaxed....
Thank you! All our best, Erin, Deer Park, WA, 2016
Hi Aranka,
Elke (dog) seemed more relaxed about her enviornment, which is a huge improvement!. Rain, wind, thunder all wig her out
I have since, also, given her reiki and I feel it has helped her.
At first she was hesitant, but now, she welcomes it. D, spokane 2015
Hi Aranka,
I wanted to thank you again for all your help with Sam (older cat).
She is continuing to heal and I'm so happy. ( also see scalar healing
for your Porky on www.SelfHealGo.com
Thanks again, Carole Phoenix, AZ
Hi Aranka,
Thank you, Sam (cat) is doing much better, actually played yesterday, it's been so long. We appreciate all you do. Thank you, Carole , AZ, (2015)
[Sam got dist. reiki sessions for a few months for: breathing (throat) problems, severe skin disorders, vomiting, moodiness, emotional imbalances, unsocial behaviour]
Hi, Aranka~
Re: my cushing Horse Meegy, down with 2 abscessed hooves 3-4 wks
(Meegy's 1st Distant Reiki treatment )
Thanks so much for your energy healing! he was on his feet the entire time during reiki... then plopped down for the night when reiki had ended
During the session, he was much more cheerful and happily eating carrots, beets, and corn the whole time.
he has not eaten anything for 3 days so this was very encouraging
Thanks for the suggestion to feed him root vegetables, he loved it.
was turning his nose up at the grain and hay...
He seems to have his appetite back and in much better spirits.Thank you so much for your help!!! Love and hugs, Charlene,
(Meggy's 2nd Distant Reiki)
Thanks so much Aranka! He ate real well this evening, I snuggled next to him.
We decided to try the sugar poultice, (helps gangrene too), found a couple of socks big enough... left it on for maybe 4 hours. Seemed to dry out the wound somewhat. Charlene, Nashville Indiana , july-aug 2014